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Half Marathon Training over 2 months - Team Bawso

  • 88Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


This Bawso 12-week half marathon plan is for beginners comfortable with running 3 miles. It balances building endurance with rest and cross-training to prevent injuries. Key workouts each week are: Easy Runs: Short, comfortable-paced runs to build base mileage and running efficiency. Fartlek Runs: Playful speedwork with periods of fast and slow running to improve cardiovascular conditioning. Long Runs: The longest weekly run, done at a slow pace, increasing distance gradually to 12 miles in Week 10. Cross-Training (CT) sessions improve overall fitness and engage different muscle groups. Activities can include cycling, swimming, yoga or other low-impact sports. Rest Days are crucial for recovery and strength-building, with two full rest days each week, and an optional third that could be a CT day. This plan aims for safe, steady progression to build the strength and endurance necessary for a half marathon. It encourages individuals to listen to their bodies, adjust as needed, and enjoy the training process.

You can also join this program via the mobile app.





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